The Journey of Music That Never Ends.

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan has arrived in the world of art, like a mythical character, with a magic wand in his hand. He has turned everybody crazy after him , casting a spell, by waving the magic wand on the surs. The whole world – everyone is a fan of the one man. It is a unique instance in the history of the art of singing.Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan is representative of that combination of the classical and the Sufic singing called Qawwali. It has a tradition of 700 years, and Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan's art is the climax of the Qawwali. He is perhaps the last man who has done so much for Qawwali and has spread it in all directions, the world over.

- Muhammad Ali -

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A man learns all his life and dies the day he thinks that he has learnt everything.

एक आदमी अपने…

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